Our Values

Our values work is mid-process, and it will remain interactive and iterative, as we plan to revisit it often. The way we center values in our work, prioritize them, and our areas of focus may shift and change with time. Living into your values includes acknowledging that some values are aspirational, some are lived in reality, and there is always room to learn more.

We recognize the complex web of inequity and harm that systems of oppression like white supremacy, the patriarchy, racism, homophobia, transphobia, sizeism, and ableism cause.

Through this critical lens, we center diversity, equity, and inclusion in all of our services and practices and uplift those who work directly in social justice spaces, and who are impacted by the many intersections of oppression.

  • We work to create awareness around and support for differing abilities, neurodiversity, and the way they intersect with both our work and the work of our clients. We strive to never leave our community behind, instead working to create opportunities for participation for folks of varying abilities by providing resources, tools, support, and information as expansively as possible. We believe that social justice work should never be gate-kept by academic or educational requirements, a need for livable wages & benefits, access to tools and physical spaces, or ableist ideas regarding productivity and worth.

  • We hold each other and others accountable to their crucial work and commitments, and do so with care, in order to do this work in ways that do not replicate carceral systems of white supremacy and oppression. To hold accountable is to express trust and investment; accountability is a gift.

  • We collaborate with our colleagues and clients, valuing each others’ ideas and believing that a variety of lived experiences and opinions allows for the most inclusive and transformative outcomes. We choose to pursue power with each other instead of power over each other. We engage in building consensus to make decisions wherever possible, because how we come together is how we make change.

  • We communicate openly and honestly with our colleagues and clients, believing that this leads to relationships that endure and work we can stand by. Multi-directional feedback makes us all more self-aware and is a practice that enriches us individually and as a group. We work to communicate changes, our needs, and reasons behind our decisions proactively and transparently.

  • We acknowledge that every participant in our work brings their own unique and different needs and experiences to the table, and that everyone has not had access to the same opportunities and resources in their lives prior to and during our collaboration.

    We work to recognize, respond to, and honor the different contexts, realities and circumstances of the people we serve and collaborate with, and hope they can bring this same spirit to their own workplaces. We believe that equity lays the foundation for diversity, inclusion, belonging, and justice.

  • We commit to abiding by a strong alignment to our values, and prioritize this alignment in the face of the adversity of capitalism, and the myth of scarcity.

  • We recognize that lived experience is the most knowledgeable teacher, and expertise is often earned over time and not necessarily from institutions. We also acknowledge that systems of privilege and oppression can impact access to expertise. We highly value the wisdom of those who experience the oppression we aim to dismantle with our work. Our years of collective experience are invaluable and inform our practices and choices every day.